Blockchain Games In Apple App Store

Blockchain Games In Apple App Store

Play To Earn Games | 08 May 2024 12:15 UTC

Ready Games eyes an ecosystem to Bring Blockchain Games to Apple App Store and the Google Play Store.

Blockchain and NFT games making it to mainstream digital app stores and game stores seem a long shot. However, Ready Games has stepped up to bring web3 games to the top-of-the-line digital games stores like Apple’s App Store and Google’s Play Store. The idea is far-fetched because both Apple and Google are reluctant to embrace blockchain games and NFTs. So, how does Ready Games plan to do it? Let’s find out. [caption id="attachment_18921" align="alignnone" width="300"]Blockchain Games In Apple App Store And Google Play Store Blockchain Games In Apple App Store And Google Play Store[/caption] Ready Games recently raised $3 million via the sale of its $AURA tokens, led by Bitkraft. The idea is to build an ecosystem that facilitates and democratizes access to web3 game development. Ready Games plans to do this by launching its developer tools and $AURA token that can be used by companies and developers. The company has live operation tools and tokens along with components that create a distributed mobile blockchain gaming ecosystem, something that is rare. This Ready Games potential ecosystem will act as a bridge for developers to convert their Web2 games to Web3 games whilst staying on the App Store and Play Store. However, the big question lies in the compliance with the rules of both stores by the developers after transitioning to web3. According to the COO of Ready Games, Macedo, blockchain's aren’t banned from Apple’s and Google’s stores. He adds, “There is a misconception a lot of people have. And this is the piece worth noting. The app store rules for both Google and Apple have two rules that actually really matter for [developers] to be in compliance and they actually don’t have anything to do with the blockchain. They have to do with just making sure they get paid.” [caption id="attachment_18922" align="alignnone" width="300"]Blockchain Games In Apple App Store And Google Play Store Blockchain Games In Apple App Store And Google Play Store[/caption] We don’t see much of blockchain games on mainstream app stores because too many blockchains and NFTs games developers evade app store rules to make their tokens work. The mandatory 15-30% commission is where blockchain game developers are uncomfortable. But to make it work, the developers must allow the purchase of NFT-backed assets using traditional in-game currency. Moreover, there also shouldn’t be any links taking to external transactions in the app. This is where Ready Games’ live operational tools come in and ease things for the developers.

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